We as brand provide only ideation henceforth we do not support any kind of actual delivery of products or delicates , No refund policy of payments that made by you, as we cultivate and sale only ideation of brand manual impact , payments to be made first before we share the ideas henceforth, no further email or reimbursement policy support the deal, currency conversion charges may be implemented as per your mode of payments , we do not levy any charges on us. as company we do not deal anything unfit policy methods as we support humanity and we support of animal love. our ideas are not our responsibility to any promotions. no dispute charges will be applied or no acceptance of cases from or for we as company. or as an individual.
we do not levy any taxes on us, or no refund policy as we dont promote any investment ideas,
brand is the managed by your team so our ideas are only made for the convenience or your business support, no return or refund or no partial refund is supported by any kind of services by us , we do not offer any kind of extra invest plans or visits ,no further communication by mail, email, or visits.
kindly note the maintenance of the brand should be the clients own responsibility to maintain on time performance of brand, so we are not responsible for any delays as we wholly only in to ideation that works for you.